Friday, February 5, 2010

Diary of the Wonder Dane

Well, another day has come and I am playing the way fun game of in and and out. I see how many times my humans can get up in a 30 minute period to let me in and out of the house. I go full speed and jump at the sliding glass door (trying to go through it one day) and then just stand and whine at the door. So I think I am on about the 5th time out in about 15 minutes. No matter where I am I just want to be in the other place. Oh, and I like to dig through the snow and ruin the grass underneath. The dead holly hocks are really tasty too!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Lucy the Wonder Dane

Lucy is a 14 month old, floppy eared, Mantle Great Dane. She was welcomed in to our family in Feburary 2010 after we lost our first Dane to cancer. Our family was very lonely without the pitter patter of little Great Dane feet around the house.

Little did we remember of the puppy stage as Gordon (our Dane who sits in heaven watching the antics) was a fabulous couch potato for the previous 8 years.

Lucy came into our home and became quite busy figuring out her place in the pack. She is aware that my husband and I are in charge, and feels that the kids are fabulous litter mates that she herds,nibbles and plays with.

The night of her first birthday my husband and I sat in quiet conversation as I said to him, "Ya know, last year at this time, Lucy was the size of her head." We both laughed a little, as she is now about 130 pounds, because she was the size of her head a year ago!